Captain Amarinder Singh is An Exemplar To Our Younger Generation – Yashrath Verma

Captain Amarinder Singh is An Exemplar To Our Younger Generation - Yashrath Verma

My spell as a Digital Media Consultant for Captain Amarinder Singh ji over the past few years was awe-inspiring. Working under his counsel and leadership was truly a splendid experience. An ex-soldier, military historian, chef, and avid gardener, Captain Saab wears many hats.

I, extend my warmest congratulations to Captain Amarinder Singh, the former chief minister of Punjab, for merging his party – the Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) – with the saffron camp (BJP). 

Recalling the days during our Campaigns, Captain Saab was never Media Bias, whether it was when he was a CM or while establishing his new legacy. Delineating the accuracy of facts to the media was his prowess. He is surely the man of his word, an exemplar to our younger generation.   

As he starts a new chapter in his political career, I wish him luck for the new innings and hope that he can galvanize his new party in the state.

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