India Of Future – How Good How Bad

In conversation with Sri K Siddhartha, A Polymath, Earth & Space Scientist, Advisor to multiple governments, Author of 50 books

  1. A lot of hype is being created around India of 2047 that will be a developed economy. How tentable does it looks and how good.

Bharat, that is Bharatvarsh, the union of Janapadas will be magnificent in 2047. This requires resetting on a global level.

When we say reset, it is mainly about Agni Asia taking centre stage in guiding the World and the West taking on the mode of the follower. This requires three major steps affecting macro to family and individual lives of people around the world, namely: –

The Re-emergence of Asia in the Global Order

The Re-emergence of Dharmas

The Re-emergence of Sanatan Economics

A dharmic society is by default a crime-free and exploitation-less society with a bottom-up self-policing format. A top-down security state with hi-tech law enforcement can be effective only until the rogue elements find out new ways of committing crimes. Whereas, a duty-based society bound by dharmas operates peacefully with the lowest crime rates. Diagonally different from the religions of foreign origin, the four Indian dharmas need to be established on paper worldwide as they are.

Capitalism bases itself on an individual as the smallest unit of economics. To the supporters of this model, the world is a market, and profits are at the core of every action, whether humane or not. Communism bases itself on the aimless crowd as the smallest unit of economics. To the supporters of this model, the pride of identity, history, origin, dharmas or religions are opium, and only the mob objectives of forced equality in outcomes is what matters. Both the models follow one life belief of consumption with zero sense of furthering the civilisation or culture.

Sanatan economics bases itself on a family unit as the smallest unit of economics. This is the model that needs to be dug up from the Ancient India lifestyle. It relies on the consolidation of incomes and the least per member expense (split). It stands on a continuing-enterprising society led by an upper ceiling cap on profits by dharmas and joint family succession of accumulated savings as the generational corpus for the future life cycles.

  1. What will slow down the progress of Bharat?

All said and done, Indians will prove to be their own enemies in this march towards making India a superpower, strengthening India, and branding India while setting their own narratives and own agenda for 2047. Nani Palkhiwala dwelt upon this thinking and pointed out several mind-sets, which are likely to slow down the march towards 2047 and even thwart it.

Lack of “Shatru-Bodh” (i.e., understanding of the enemy) and DNA of adversarial ideologies that seek to annihilate the inherent bahudha approach of the native dharmas.

There is a lack of awareness of identity among the British classroom educated masses as to who they are, what it is to be an Indian, why it is to be an Indian and why civilisational esteem should be attached to one’s origin.

This is a lack of association with lessons of history, what we call “smriti bhransh” (short term memory loss). For those who lose the sense of their history, their geography changes in no time! This is because they are prone to falling into the same pit repeatedly without any learning curve of past sufferings.

There is an absolute lack of empathy for the upper middle and the middle class and a lack of understanding of the motivations of the people at the bottom of the pyramid and how that eventually affects the top of the pyramid over a period of time. This absence does not allow the entire citizenship to develop itself into a social capital and build on that. It further demolishes linear thinking.

There is an absence of awareness about the dangerous consequences of adopting secularism and socialism concepts in the long-run and an inability to understand how it works against the basic ethos of being an Indian.

Adoption of a lazy belief internalised heavily by the masses that the Indian culture is all about tolerance and “non-violence” (ahimsa). Both concepts are non-reciprocal when it comes to religions of foreign origin. The lack of understanding that these high morals will never be reciprocated is a big obstacle in calculating the threats of physical displacement from the only geography left for the natives.

  1. What do you think has been one the greatest lessons that could have been learnt but that has been completely washed away.

One is lack of shatrubodh that we talked of. Recent research on the great Vijayanagara Empire reveals that even their gurus and think tanks had no idea about the dangers of Islam. They had not read the Quran or understood the nature of Jihad. They had NO Shatrubodh, the consequence being that a once very powerful, prosperous empire, where people did not imagine that anything would go wrong with their lives, was absolutely annihilated, burned to the ground, at the first chance by the enemy. The problem is that even today, Bharatiyas continue to sleep while their problems continue to grow. They have been lulled to sleep by the communist educators, a colonial mindset, no sense of history, and an almost complete deracination exacerbated by a mass media and cinema controlled by a jihadi mindset that still remains camouflaged. Our ancestors fought for our temples and our traditions. Today, the same so-called Hindus participate in their demolition with glee. The colonial rule and railways built by the Britishers were akin to building a ramp with their own money, to loot their own house and decamp with the booty, and Indians still revere these looters and hold them in awe. Is this not bankruptcy? How did we come to this?

The second is The taking of absurd, preposterous, silly, and glamorised pride in non-expansionism and gloating about how the Hindus never converted others or never invaded any region, country, or territory outside of its borders. Indeed, this may be half-true, but that means removing the perception and knowledge armour that is needed to make them secure.

  1. Indians are known to be very individually driven rather than taking it forward in an institutionlised manner. To what extent do you agree with it

An individual will go to some extent, but when you have an institutional base, you are likely to go for long distances. Institution’s take care of your mistakes, be a shock absorber for your mistakes, allows talent to be pooled and make you failure proof too.  A complete lack of understanding of the importance of institutionalisation of tactical thinking and the role institutions can play in solving problems. Inability to understand how institutions (not individual talent or brilliance) multiply the power of individuals aided by an absurd belief that a numerical minority can never have the upper hand.

  1. One area where Indians have generally lacked is building a global narrative. A bout of hatred that we see against Indians almost everywhere in the world where they are captive to a narrartive that is just diametrically opposite to what they are has harmed Indians more than anything else.

There is  apathetic lack of understanding of the narrative that is targeted against them, is definitely a cause of grave concern. It needs no emphasis that there is need for building global narratives and the kinetic power of storytelling to further the interests of society and the nation in the global order. The placement of idealism and virtue above self-interest and survival instincts is turning out to be fatal for us. We need ti use all our resources at command to thwart such evil designs otherwise a German cockroach hand in glove with the enemies of the nation is likely to play havoc with the youth mindset mostly wokes who have got themselves lost completely in this labyrinth and also have given themselves to the wills of the enemies thinking them as their friends and turning themselves into anti themselves.

  1. What will be the role of bureaucracy that is likely to play a real spoilsport?

There is a General lack of realisation about the attitude of the current bureaucracy and its mind-set is thwarting enterprise, innovation, zeal, and speed. The favourite villains are still the politicians, not the bureaucracy. A politician goes to the people to seek a mandate and any mistake the he loses it, but the bureaucrats always call their shots.  The psyche of the so-called administrators or maladministration leaves a lot to the temptations of small decisions, actions, and attitudes, which block the momentum of the nation at the most opportune time. For example, the lack of amendments of Articles like 311 and 312 with a major bureaucratic revamp is stalling a lot of strategic implementation possibilities. Unles they are reformed and this institution completely revamped, there is nothing good that we can expect for and till 2047.

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