PS Gahlaut’s Vision for the Future: Leading the Indian Fertilizer Industry Towards the Rs 1.38 Lakh Crore Mark

“The path to transforming the Indian fertilizer industry lies in the seamless blend of innovation, sustainability, and strategic collaboration,” asserts PS Gahlaut, Managing Director of Indian Potash Limited (IPL). PS Gahlaut, Managing Director of Indian Potash Limited (IPL) and acclaimed industry veteran envisions a transformative future for the Indian fertilizer industry. Aiming for a remarkable…

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Dr. PS Gahlaut talks about Smart Farming: Harnessing IoT for Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity in Agriculture

Dr. PS Gahlaut talks about Smart Farming: Harnessing IoT for Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity in Agriculture

In recent years, the world has witnessed a remarkable transformation in various industries, and agriculture is no exception. The advent of technology, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), has revolutionized farming practices, giving rise to what we now call “Smart Farming.” This integration of IoT in agriculture is reshaping the way we produce food, improving…

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